Sunday, January 27, 2013

Song on Repeat

I went to breakfast with a dear childhood friend a few days after Christmas. During our conversation, she told me about a song that had recently touched her heart. As I left the restaurant, I pulled up the song, "Called Me Higher" by All Sons and Daughters and listened to it on my phone. I was so inspired by the lyrics, I found myself repeating the song again... and again.

I think I listened to the song over 60 times that week.
No joke.

I hope you'll take a listen to this song and follow as God leads you higher and deeper.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Walking Forward

It was July 2011 and I was having a great week in Louisville, Kentucky. I was seeing friends from all across the United States at Nazarene Youth Conference, eating multiple meals a day at Panera Bread, and getting to praise Jesus with thousands of others. Yet, that week God did something in my heart that I didn't expect. He placed a tug on my heart to pursue ministry in a new, deeper way.

I have always loved to sing and worship God with music. Yet, in the crowded arena that summer morning, I felt that God wanted me to pursue speaking.

"Is this really You talking, God, or is this me?"
"I don't want to purse this if this is not of You."
"Where do I start?"

These were all the questions whirling around in my mind. Yet, through counsel, prayers, and encouragement, I have walked forward and pursued this call. Amazingly enough, my brother, Chris, felt the same call on his life the following summer. After processing together, we decided to form what is now Woods End Ministries.

We love to sing and worship God with our instruments.
We love to talk and share stories about Jesus' presence in our lives.
We have friends and loved ones who share these passions.
In all these things, we want to glorify our God who blesses us beyond comprehension!

Thanks for journeying with us! We hope to learn from you, encourage you, and grow together!
