Sunday, December 8, 2013

Do You See What I See?

This fall, we had the opportunity to spend three weeks in Europe! We had been saving for this trip for years, and were finally able to fly across the pond for our grand adventure! We spent the first few days in London, and then we spent almost two full weeks in Italy.

My husband, Mike, spent a semester during college, studying art in Florence, Italy. It was such a treat to see where he lived, where he went to school, where he would study, and where he would stop for gelato. (Honestly, I could write an entire blog post on gelato... don't get me started). If you aren't familiar with Florence, it is known as the center for Renaissance Art. It is Michaelangelo's hometown as well... no, not the ninja turtle. I am talking about this artist dude.

Michaelangelo's most famous piece of art is "The David," and it is located in Florence. It is a 14-foot tall statue of the Biblical character, David, getting ready to fight the giant, Goliath. Michaelangelo's piece is considered to be the most flawless sculpture of the human body ever made. When I looked at this sculpture, I was blown away. I can barely draw a stick figure, so I can't imagine how someone could carve such a real looking human out of stone!

While at the museum, we learned something fascinating. Michaelangelo used a piece of marble that had been rejected by other artists. Other sculptors did not believe its shape, size, and density were up to par, so they tossed it aside.... (Well, they probably didn't "toss" it, but you know what I mean). Yet out of this slab of stone that was deemed unworthy by so many, Michaelangelo created one of the most beautiful and renowed sculptures of all time. Michaelangelo saw something in the stone that others could not see. He saw the potential for beauty. He saw the potential for greatness.

Michaelangelo saw potential in the stone that others did not see, just as God saw potential in David that others could not see. David was the youngest of 8 boys in his family. His three older brothers went off to war. One day, he went to take them some food, and he heard about this 10 foot tall giant who had been threatening the army of Israel. Without much hesitation, he decided that he would be the one who would face the giant. After forty days of this taunting, David was the one and only person who had even remotely showed interest in engaging in battle with this guy! However, David's announcement was not received well. His older brothers acted like he was a bother, on-lookers probably laughed at the thought of him facing Goliath, and the King even told told him that he was too young. Yet, David walked forward, in the confidence of the Lord, and faced the giant. The Lord brought victory to David that day, and in turn brought victory for the people of Israel. I think it is pretty safe to say that they threw big party after that! They were able to celebrate because David believed in the promises and victory of our God.

People saw failure in David.
God saw triumph.
People saw weakness in David.
God saw humility and strength.

Other saw a trashed piece of stone.
Michaelangelo saw beauty and flawlessness.
Other a blank piece of marble.
Michaelangelo saw David.

Just as God's vision for David's life impacted David (and generations to come), God wants His vision for your life to impact you and generations to follow you! When we, as believers, begin to see ourselves as God sees us, we can then see others as more than blank pieces of stone. We can see beauty in others when we see the beauty that God sees in us.

Are you listening to negative voices of those around you? 
Or are you listening to God Almighty as He says, "Do you see what I see?"

 - Carly

1 comment:

  1. Such a timely and important message, Carly. We're inundated with messages of unworthiness from our culture -- yet God sees the heart. May this embolden us to set about His plans for our lives with vigor and enthusiasm!
