This is Izzy.
She is our 75 lb. goldendoodle puppy. Isn't she precious?!
I didn't grow up with dogs, and I honestly had no idea how much I could love a dog. There is no denying it -- I love this pup.
Izzy is a quirky dog. She eats when we eat our meals, she loves goldfish crackers, and and she barks at puppets on TV. She also has no idea how big she is.
Izzy is a large dog, and yet, she is shy and becomes easily afraid. She is scared of dogs half her size! She becomes alarmed easily whether people walk by our house or when we begin to vacuum the carpet. Sometimes I wonder how such a strong and big dog can be afraid of such little things. I also think it is such a kick that such a big dog still thinks she is a lap dog!!
As easy as it is to think Izzy has totally irrational fears, I realize that I am in a similar boat -- or is it a dog house in this case?
I often become alarmed by little things and let unnecessary fear grip me. If I am not careful, I allow falsehoods and what-ifs to become a reality in my mind.
Yet, just as I am not afraid of what Izzy finds frightening, God is not shaken by what shakes me. He is my steady, protective and consistent Father. He is also the Father who empowers me to live and walk in power. He has given me power and authority through His Holy Spirit, so when I live in fear, I am not embracing the gifts He has made available to me. Just as I wish my large and strong dog would realize she does not need to be afraid of little chihuahuas, I think God wants me to focus on His faithfulness instead of my fears.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind."
- 2 Timothy 1:7
When I rely on God's presence in my life, I walk in power, love, and possess a sound mind. Instead of becoming alarmed by fears in life and letting my thoughts run wild, I must "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5b
Thank goodness God is patient with me. I am working on breaking the chains of worry in my life. Yet, when I become fearful, I know that God is there to comfort and protect me. He holds me in His arms and reminds me of His promises, and encourages me to get back on my feet and keep going. After all, "We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." - Hebrews 10:39
- Carly
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